WiRSA Update - October 19, 2024

Thank You! - WiRSA 2024 Conference Sponsors


WiRSA Senior Post-Secondary Teacher Education Scholarship Applications (Are Now Open)
Click Here for Web Page Link

In recognition of the tremendous efforts put forth by Wisconsin’s rural schools to provide their students with quality education in an ever-changing environment, it is with pleasure that the Wisconsin Rural Schools Alliance (WiRSA) offers an annual scholarship program.

The scholarship will be awarded annually to one graduating high school senior from each of the four membership regions of Wisconsin as specified in the organization’s bylaws. An additional at-large scholarship will be given to the next highest-scoring applicant. Each recipient will receive a one-time cash scholarship of $750 to be used by the student to help defray the costs of post-secondary education and related expenses.

WiRSA Scholarship Guidelines:

  • To qualify, participating schools must be current paid members of WiRSA.

  • The scholarship will be awarded annually to one graduating high school senior from each of the four membership regions of Wisconsin as specified in the organization’s bylaws. An additional at-Large scholarship will be given to the next highest-scoring applicant.

  • There will be no discrimination made as to this scholarship based on race, color, religion, national origin or sex, either by WiRSA or participating member schools.

  • Each recipient will receive a one-time cash scholarship of $750 to be used by the student to help defray the costs of post-secondary education and related expenses.

  • The funds will be distributed directly to the recipient upon submittal of a first-semester transcript and second-semester class schedule.

  • Each school is responsible for distributing to its students information pertaining to the scholarship application, rules, and guidelines.

  • Each school must screen and evaluate its own applicants based upon criteria set forth by the WiRSA Scholarship Application Form and then choose a single semi-finalist to be forwarded to WiRSA for consideration. (Each school may submit only one entry for consideration).

  • Entries must be completed through the WiRSA-created Google Form no later than February 20 of each year to be considered.

  • WiRSA will appoint a scholarship committee consisting of members of its Board of Directors to determine the winners of the scholarship and one alternate for each region.

  • If a WiRSA Board Member’s school district student is a semi-finalist for the scholarship, that board member will be excluded from any and all aspects of the judging process.

  • The superintendents of the school districts attended by each of the regional winners will be notified in writing of the award being made to their students.

  • The scholarship will be announced by April 15 of each year.

  • Whenever possible, a representative from WiRSA will attend the school awards ceremony to award the scholarship to the winner in each region.

  • All applications and essays shall be submitted to the Executive Director of WiRSA.


WiRSA Senior Scholarship Applications (Are Now Open)
Click Here for Web Page Link

In recognition of the tremendous efforts put forth by Wisconsin’s rural schools to provide their students with quality education in an ever-changing environment, it is with pleasure that the Wisconsin Rural Schools Alliance (WiRSA) offers an annual scholarship program.

The scholarship will be awarded annually to one graduating high school senior from each of the four membership regions of Wisconsin as specified in the organization’s bylaws. An additional at-large scholarship will be given to the next highest-scoring applicant. Each recipient will receive a one-time cash scholarship of $750 to be used by the student to help defray the costs of post-secondary education and related expenses.

WiRSA Scholarship Guidelines:

  • To qualify, participating schools must be current paid members of WiRSA.

  • The scholarship will be awarded annually to one graduating high school senior from each of the four membership regions of Wisconsin as specified in the organization’s bylaws. An additional at-Large scholarship will be given to the next highest-scoring applicant.

  • There will be no discrimination made as to this scholarship based on race, color, religion, national origin, or sex, either by WiRSA or participating member schools.

  • Each recipient will receive a one-time cash scholarship of $750 to be used by the student to help defray the costs of post-secondary education and related expenses.

  • The funds will be distributed directly to the recipient upon submittal of a first-semester transcript and second-semester class schedule.

  • Each school is responsible for distributing to its students information pertaining to the scholarship application, rules, and guidelines.

  • Each school must screen and evaluate its own applicants, based upon criteria set forth on the WiRSA Scholarship Application Form, and then choose a single semi-finalist to be sent to WiRSA through a Google Form for consideration (each school may submit only one entry for consideration).

  • Final school candidates must complete the Google form on our WiRSA website no later than Feb. 20 of each year in order to be considered.

  • WiRSA will appoint a scholarship committee consisting of members of its board of directors to determine the winners of the scholarship and one alternate for each region.

  • If a student from a WiRSA board member’s school district is a semi-finalist for the scholarship, that board member will be excluded from any and all aspects of the judging process.

  • The superintendents of the school districts attended by each of the regional winners will be notified in writing of the award being made to their students.

  • The scholarship will be announced by April 15 of each year.

  • Whenever possible, a representative from WiRSA will attend the school awards ceremony to award the scholarship to the winner in each region.

  • All applications and essays shall be submitted to the executive director of WiRSA through the Google Form on the WiRSA website.



We have four WiRSA board member seats that expire on December 31, 2024. If you want to become a WiRSA board member or know someone who may be interested, don't hesitate to get in touch with me at jeffeide@wirsa.org

  1. Region 1 (CESA 5, 6 & 7) - School Administrator

    1. Current Board Member - Jesse Brinkmann - plans to run for the WiRSA board

  2. Region 2 (CESA 2, 3 & 4) - Board of Education

    1. Current Board Member - Gerald Roethel - plans to run for the WiRSA board

  3. Region 3 (CESA 10 & 11) - Teacher

    1. Open Position - If you have a teacher or know of a teacher interested in supporting WiRSA on our Board, please nominate them or have them contact me for more information.

  4. Region 4 (CESA 8, 9 & 12) - CESA Member

    1. Open Position -  If you have a CESA employee interested in supporting WiRSA on our Board, please nominate them or have them contact me for more information.

Highlights / Opportunity

$10,000 - Rural District Professional Development Grant

The Harju Center for Equity in Education offers rural school districts up to a $10,000 grant to promote professional development of their faculty/staff. The application for 2024-25 is now! Please submit the following materials to Harju.Center.for.Equity@uwsp.edu by Dec. 1, 2024.

  1. one-page description of the district’s professional development need (250 words max)

  2. brief description of what the grant would be used for including timeline and budget plan (250 words max)

  3. description of district’s current financial investment in professional development (250 words max)

Priority will be given to proposals that highlight the three main pillars of the Harju Center for Equity in Education which are:

  • rural education

  • elementary and middle level education

  • issues of equity

If accepted, the grant will be distributed up to the amount of $10,000. Upon completion of professional development, the district is required to present the Harju Center with a description of how funds were distributed to further professional development for faculty/staff. In addition to the fund disbursement report, please prepare a five-minute recorded video presentation to be included on the Harju Center website. The five-minute video presentation may be chosen to be presented at the spring School of Education Celebration of Teaching and Learning Banquet.
Professional Development Grant FAQs

  • How often is my district eligible to apply for this grant?

    • If funded, once every five years. If not funded, every year.

  • What can we use this grant funding for?

    • Expert in the field of professional development, guest speakers, resources furthering professional development of faculty/staff, training materials, resource books

  • Can you give me some insight on the types of activities that the Harju Center is hoping that this grant will be used for?

    • Proposals that suggest implementation of grant for professional development that aligns with all three pillars of the Harju Center Mission (rural education, elementary/middle level education, and issues of equity) would be given the highest consideration.

Highlights / Opportunity

$500 - Educators Rising NEW Chapter Grant

​At the UW-Stevens Point Harju Center for Equity in Education, we believe in empowering and inspiring young learners to become teachers. We are offering school districts in Wisconsin a $500 grant to start a new Educators Rising chapter in their own school, and we are pleased to announce that the application for this grant is now available.

To apply for a $500 grant for your school/district, please complete the steps below.

Educators Rising Chapter Grant Application Information

  • Step 1: Complete this form with the Wisconsin Education Association Council to register your school’s Educators Rising chapter. There is no cost to schools for a state membership at this time.
    *Note: This step must be completed before applying for a grant.

  • Step 2: Once you receive confirmation of your chapter’s registration, download a copy of your confirmation and complete this application form to apply for your grant.

Important Information about the Grant

  • Grant money must only be spent on expenses related to starting a new Educators Rising chapter.

  • Schools are only eligible for one grant per school.

  • The $500 will be disbursed in $250 increments, one during the first year and the other during the second year, given that appropriate reporting takes place.

  • Funds will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis.

If your application is approved, you will receive an email with instructions on how to track and report your expenses. Please email us with any questions.

Highlights / Opportunity

$500 - Educators Rising ESTABLISHED Chapter Grant

At the UW-Stevens Point Harju Center for Equity in Education, we believe in empowering and inspiring young learners to become teachers. We are offering school districts in Wisconsin who have established Educators Rising chapters a $500 grant to fund a project that focuses on addressing issues of equity within their rural district or community.

To apply for a $500 grant for your school/district, please complete the steps below.

Educators Rising Chapter Grant Application Information

  • Step 1: Complete this form with the Wisconsin Education Association Council to register your school’s Educators Rising chapter. There is no cost to schools for a state membership at this time.
    *Note: This step must be completed before applying for a grant.

  • Step 2: Once you receive confirmation of your chapter’s registration, download a copy of your confirmation and complete this application form to apply for your grant.

Important Information about the Grant

  • Grant money must only be spent on expenses related to submitted proposal addressing issues of equity within the rural district or community.

  • Schools are only eligible for one grant every 4 years.

  • Funds will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis.

If your application is approved, you will receive an email with instructions on how to track and report your expenses. Please email us with any questions.

Highlights / Opportunity

Consider Joining the Advocacy

The partnership aims to unify Out of School Time supporters to advocate for expanded learning opportunities.


Legislative Update

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  • Wisconsin Elections Commission - Website

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News Articles

Update From NREA (National Rural Education Association) From the NREA Weekly Update

Become a Member - View State Affiliates



WSSCA - Wisconsin School Safety Coordinators Association

Update From CEF (Center for Education Funding).