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WiRSA Update - March 20, 2024


Highlighting the WiRSA Board of Education Member of the Year Nomination!

The Board of Directors established this award to recognize a school board member who has made significant contributions to his/her rural school district.

The deadline is September 1, 2024

Nominations for our WiRSA rural school awards!
This is a great opportunity to recognize the outstanding staff, community members, and organizations that do so much to support our schools.
Website Link

  1. School Board Member of the Year!

  2. Administrator of the Year!

  3. Principal of the Year!

  4. Teacher of the Year

  5. Support Staff Member of the Year!

  6. Community Partner of the Year!

  7. School Advocacy of the Year!

  8. CESA Employee of the Year!

WiRSA Conference Registration 2024

Rural Schools and Communities! Resilient Rural!
Monday, October 28 & Tuesday, October 29, 2024 - Welcome Reception - October 27, 2023 - 7:00 p.m.
Click Here for -
Information and Registration
(Click Here to Register)

WiRSA Conference Breakout Proposals, Vendor & Sponsor Information, & Live Auction Donation Link

Highlights / Opportunity

  • I was contacted by Tina Salzman, the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the director of the Wisconsin Idea Principal Preparation program (WIPP).

    Leaders play a critical role in schools, and these opportunities can help fill our state's leadership pipeline. UW-Madison is committed to supporting the development of exceptional educational leaders, and this initiative is a testament to our dedication to fostering a diverse and highly qualified workforce across Wisconsin.

    There is an exciting opportunity for rural educators aspiring to pursue a master's degree in educational leadership at UW-Madison. Thanks to the generosity of Barbara S. and Glen T. Thompson, we are offering an opportunity to apply for financial support upon acceptance into the 2024-25 WIPP cohort (or our on-campus K12 program.)

    Please click on this link to see and share the flyer

Legislative Update


  • Early Start/Commencement Date Administrative Rule Change Comments

  • Legislative Maps - 2024 & 2022 (Interactive)

  • WASB Update on bills that are dead for this session (Link)

  • Bill Information

    • Quick View of Bills Enrolled or Enacted into Law (Link)

      • Added to Enrolled (passed by both houses)

        • AB232 - Relating to: directing school boards to provide instruction on Hmong Americans and Asian Americans.

        • AB377 - Relating to: designating athletic sports and teams operated or sponsored by public schools or private schools participating in a parental choice program based on the sex of the participants.

        • AB569 - Relating to: the location and operation of driver schools.

        • AB1050 - Relating to: position authorizations in the Office of School Safety and making an appropriation.

        • AB1103 - Relating to: requirements for school breakfast reimbursement and repealing a teaching license requirement (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Public Instruction).

        • SB990 - Relating to: mandatory early literacy professional development.


DOJ (Department of Justice) /WSCCA


Virtual Training Announcement: K-12 School Safety Funding Opportunities

  • Please join the Federal School Safety Clearinghouse on March 26 at 3:00 p.m. EDT for a virtual training on school safety grants available to the K-12 community. Presenters will discuss funding opportunities available from the U.S. Department of Education, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and U.S. Department of Justice. 

    A representative from each Department will provide overviews of available and upcoming funding opportunities, eligibility requirements and deadlines, and examples of past grantee projects to help interested applicants consider how these programs could be applied towards their own school safety efforts. SchoolSafety.gov’s Grants Finder Tool will also be highlighted. A Q&A session will be held for all attendees at the end of the event.  

    Event Details

    Β·  When: March 26, 2024, at 3:00 PM EDT 

    Β·  Where: Microsoft Teams Live (access link to be provided to registrants one day in advance of the event)

    Β·  Registration: K12schoolsafetyfunding.eventbrite.com

    This event is open to any interested stakeholder in the K-12 or school safety community. The subject matter covered during the session will be particularly relevant toβ€―K-12 superintendents and district administrators, principals and school administrators, policymakers, and state and local education groups.

Update From NREA (National Rural Education Association) From the NREA Weekly Update

  • Become a Member

    View State Affiliates

    Listen to the NREA Podcast

  • National Signature Project Award

    ο»ΏApplication OPEN NOW!

    Each year, the National Rural Education Association (NREA) and Rural Schools Collaborative (RSC) partner to present the National Signature Project Award, a grant program for innovative classroom projects that exemplify the very best in place-based education. The program awards one outstanding rural educator with up to a $2,500 grant and two additional rural teachers with up to $1,500.

    In addition to the awarded funds, the NREA and RSC will compensate all of the awardees' travel and registration fees for their attendance to National Forum to Advance Rural Education!

    New Report on Rural America From Georgetown CEW

    ο»Ώβ€œRural Americans are only slightly less likely to have a good job than their urban counterparts, and for workers without a bachelor's degree, rural America actually offers a better likelihood of having a good job. That being said, white workers are currently the only demographic group in rural America in which the majority hold a good job.” β€” Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce Director Anthony P. Carnevale in their new report. Read more here: https://bit.ly/3SJZIxI

  • Present at the National Forum to Advance Rural Education in Savannah. Proposals are due March 24th. NREA Website Link

Update From CEF (Center for Education Funding)

I. Policy Intelligence and Education News

  • Appropriations update – I had a CEF Update ready to send yesterday with a clover leaf on it, hoping to share the text and analysis of the fiscal year (FY) 2024 Labor-HHS-Education bill. Alas, a last-minute disagreement about funding for the Homeland Security bill – one of the six that will be in an omnibus package with the Labor-HHS-Education bill – held up the negotiations and the Appropriations Committees have not yet released the package. Appropriators are continuing to work on the Homeland Security bill – they had last week decided to abandon work on a regular bill and instead write a year-long continuing resolution (CR) with adjustments where necessary but then there were disagreements about the necessary changes, so they are back to work on a regular funding bill. I gather that the other bills are finished or close to finished but have not seen a new timeline for when the package will be released, but it must be soon; the existing funding for the six bills runs only until Friday night at midnight, and Congress is slated to be in recess for the following two weeks. There does not seem to be any appetite for another CR for these six bills, but that could change, too. The House aims to abide by its rule to release a bill three days before members must vote on it but can waive that rule if necessary. Senate rules provide for lots of time for Senators to debate bills, which can also be waived by unanimous consent. I will send around links to the Labor-HHS-Education bill text and report once it’s available, and then later send around a short analysis and CEF’s education funding table updated to reflect the FY 2024 levels.

  • Membership change on the House Labor-HHS-Education Subcommittee – An opening on the House Appropriations Committee due to the retirement of Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT) has led to some changes in the Labor-HHS-Education Subcommittee. Rep. Jake Ellzey (R-TX) has left and is now on the Defense Subcommittee, and freshman Rep. Chuck Edwards (R-NC) has been appointed to that opening on Labor-HHS-Education Subcommittee. He supports school choice and more transparency from school boards, opposes mandates, school closures and the teaching of critical race theory. Rep. Edwards is a member of both the conservate Republican Study Group and the Main Street Caucus.

  • 12% of House members already won’t return to 119th Congress to (update since I last reported on this in January) – Currently, twelve percent of the members of the House who were there at the start of the 118th Congress in January 2023 will not be returning in the 119th Congress because they are leaving or have left to run for other office or retire, or have resigned, died, been defeated in a primary, or been expelled. The House Press Gallery keeps a β€œcasualty list” showing who will be leaving; it is updated as members announce retirements, if any are defeated in a primary, or leave for other reasons. As of March 12, the list includes 62 Representatives – 33 Democrats and 29 Republicans – and 9 Senators. The Press Gallery also keeps a tally of the party breakdown showing House Republicans currently have a two-vote margin. However, that margin could change after this Friday, when Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) resigns before the swearing in of the winner of tomorrow’s special election to replace Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). It will change again after the April 30 special election to replace Rep. Brian Higgins (D-NY), and any time another member leaves, which has been happening a lot this Congress.

Thank You!
WiRSA 2023
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