2015 WiRSA Conference

Rural Schools on the Move Through Innovation and Collaboration

Nov. 11-12, 2015

The seventh annual WiRSA Fall Conference was a resounding success thanks to the excellent presenters and the numerous attendees.

Use of Social Networking as a Strong Communication Tool

Joe Sanfelippo, District Administrator, Fall Creek

Key Stakeholders Developing Grass Roots Initiatives: Grass Roots Panel

Heather DuBois, Bourenane, WPEN; Sandy Whisler, CAPE; Bruce Quinton, Superintendent, Pepin; Jeri McGinley, School Funding Reform for Wisconsin

Standing Up for Rural Schools, Libraries and Communities Awards

Dr. Tony Evers, State Superintendent, DPI


Sally Albers, FFA State President and Kevin Keith, National FFA Local Program Success Team Leader

Whole Grade Sharing


Reflecting on the 2015-2017 Biannual State Budget

Todd Berry, Wisconsin Taxpayer Alliance and Tom McCarthy, DPI Communications Officer

Fab Lab Education for the Future

George Karling and Steve Yahr, Three Lakes

The Morgridge Institute Summer Science Camps

Wes Marner, Lab and Outreach Coordinator

School Fair-School/Community Collaboration

Sharri Graffunder, River Valley

Teacher Retention

Barb Herzog and Penny Buckley, UW Oshkosh Center for Additional Teacher Listening Other Panel Members TBA

Building Strong Partnerships in Technology Education

Bob Morehead, Chetek-Weyerhaeuser

Learning from this Year’s WiRSA Exit Interview Program

Dave Hammelman, Hammelman Resources and Rick Waski, Adams Friendship

Rural School Collaborating Through Summer School

Brandon Robinson, Kara Holden, Zack Fugate, Unitiy; and Renee Gavinski, Luck

Health Lifestyles-Engaging Students, Staff and Community

Patricia Vickman, Southern Door; Nick Cochart, Algoma; Tony Klaubauf, Denmark, with Kevin Clougherty and Cindy Van Asten, M3 Insurance

2020 Vision Community and Agency Reciprocal Partnerships

Christine Weymouth, Mauston

Fine Arts in Rural Schools

Matt Snow and Rebecca Schinker, River Valley

Building Utilization

NWTC and Florence Partnership, Ben Niehaus, Florence

WEA Members Benefits

Sharon Schmidt, Worksite Benefits Consultant

Sharing Spanish via Technology for Elementary Students

John Eyerly, Westfield and Louie Ferguson, Arcadia

Leadership Forgiveness

Doug Kryder, Crandon

PLCs, A Dynamic Change to Our Small School Setting

Owen-Withee High School PLC Leadership Team

Future Ready Districts with Trusting Partnerships

Josh Robinson, Frederic

Teach 2.0 and other Technology Initiatives

Kevin Kiefer, DPI Assistant Superintendent for Division of Libraries and Technology, with Matt Yeakey and Terry Birk, DOA TEACH Administrators for the Division of Enterprise and Technology

For a complete conference program, click here.


2016 WiRSA Conference


2014 WiRSA Conference