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WiRSA Update - April 2, 2024
Highlighting the WiRSA Community Partner of the Year Nomination!
The WiRSA board established this award to recognize a community member who has made significant contributions to his/her rural school district.
Award winners will be selected by the WiRSA Board of Directors Executive Committee. The deadline is September 1, 2024
The deadline is September 1, 2024
Nominations for our WiRSA rural school awards!
This is a great opportunity to recognize the outstanding staff, community members, and organizations that do so much to support our schools.
Website Link
WiRSA Conference Registration 2024
Rural Schools and Communities! Resilient Rural!
Monday, October 28 & Tuesday, October 29, 2024 - Welcome Reception - October 27, 2023 - 7:00 p.m.
Click Here for -
Information and Registration
(Click Here to Register)
WiRSA Conference Breakout Proposals, Vendor & Sponsor Information, & Live Auction Donation Link
WiRSA Conference - Call for Proposals
WiRSA Conference - Vendor Registration and Information
WiRSA Conference - Silent & Live Auction Donations (Google Form Donation Link)
We will once again have a silent and live auction to support our WiRSA high school senior students and student-teacher scholarships. Responses can be adjusted if needed. Keep your URL link saved after you submit an auction item.
Highlights / Opportunity
Check out all the FREE services and resources offered through CISA’s Support in Wisconsin!
Thanks to our partners from the Office of School Safety, WiRSA was able to connect with Wisconsin’s CISA (Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency) Services.
Wisconsin-based CISA Partners:
If you would like to have a personal conversation about these services, please contact:
Daniel Honore
CyberSecurity Advisor, Region 5 (WI)
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
(414) 573-0899 |daniel.honore@cisa.dhs.gov
Book time to meet with Daniel Honore: 30 minutes | 1 hour | 90 minutes
Wisconsin-based CISA Partners:
CSC Bill Nash PSA David Melby PSA John E. Busch
608.590.7105 608.405.2931 414.369.8540
willam.nash@cisa.dhs.gov david.melby@cisa.dhs.gov john.busch@hq.dhs.gov
Vulnerability Scanning Service (formerly Cyber Hygiene (CyHy)) – The VSS service assesses the health of your internet-accessible assets by executing non-credentialed scans of public, static IPs checking for known vulnerabilities, weak configurations—or configuration errors—and suboptimal security practices. To sign up for this service send an email to vulnerability@cisa.dhs.gov stating that you would like to sign up for VSS and include Entity name, POC Name, POC Email Address, POC Phone number, Mailing address.
Known Exploited Vulnerability - Authoritative source of vulnerabilities that have been exploited in the wild. By emphasizing remediation of vulnerabilities that are being actively used by adversaries you can significantly drive down the risk of a damaging compromise. Subscribe to the KEV catalog updates!
Alerts – Sign up to receive automatic e-mail updates from CISA to keep up with breaking news and information about our various topic areas.
https://www.cisa.gov/news-events (direct link to subscribe: https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/USDHSCISA/subscriber/new?qsp=CODE_RED)
Resources, tools, and services – A very long list of free resources (not all are from CISA).
CISA Tabletop Exercise Packages (CTEPs) – are a comprehensive set of resources designed to assist stakeholders in conducting their own exercises. Partners can use CTEPs to initiate discussions within their organizations about their ability to address a variety of threat scenarios.
ASSESSMENTS: (1 day or less)
CyberSecurity Evaluation Tool (CSET) - provides a systematic, disciplined, and repeatable approach for evaluating an organization’s security posture. CSET is a desktop software tool that guides asset owners and operators through a step-by-step process to evaluate industrial control system (ICS) and information technology (IT) network security practices.
Cross-Sector Cybersecurity Performance Goals (CPG) - A common set of protections to implement to meaningfully reduce the likelihood and impact of known risks and adversary techniques. Consists of 38 questions
Ransomware Readiness Assessment (RRA) – Understand your cybersecurity posture and assess how well your organization is equipped to defend and recover from a ransomware incident. Consists of 48 questions.
Cyber Resilience Review (CRR) – Interview-based assessment to evaluate an organization’s operational resilience and cybersecurity practices. Consists of 299 questions with an additional 68 sub-questions for a total of 367 questions.
Cyber Security Evaluation Tool (CSET) – CSET provides a systematic, disciplined, and repeatable approach for evaluating an organization’s security posture. CSET is a desktop software tool that guides asset owners and operators through a step-by-step process to evaluate industrial control system (ICS) and information technology (IT) network security practices.
ASSESSMENTS: (Multi-day/week)
Remote Penetration Test (RPT) – CISA’s Remote Penetration Test (RPT) utilizes a dedicated remote team to identify and assess vulnerabilities. The RPT team works with the stakeholder to test internet exposure to eliminate exploitable pathways. RPTs focus only on externally accessible systems.
See attachment for more information.
Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (RVA) – RVA is a one-on-one engagement with stakeholders. RVAs combine open-source national threat and vulnerability information with data that the CISA RVA team collects through remote and onsite stakeholder assessment activities. The team uses this combined information collection to provide the customer with an actionable risk analysis report containing remediation recommendations prioritized by severity and risk.
Validated Architecture Design Review (VADR) – CISA's Validated Architecture Design Review (VADR) is an assessment based on federal and industry standards, guidelines, and best practices. The VADR service provides an in-depth analysis of infrastructure.
See attachment for more information.
If you would like to have a personal conversation about these services, please contact:
Daniel Honore
CyberSecurity Advisor, Region 5 (WI)
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
(414) 573-0899 |daniel.honore@cisa.dhs.gov
Book time to meet with Daniel Honore: 30 minutes | 1 hour | 90 minutes
Legislative Update
Gov. Evers Press Releases
Legislative Maps - 2024 & 2022 (Interactive)
Bill Information
Quick View (as of 3-26-2024) Bills Enrolled or Enacted into Law (Link)
2023-24 Legislative Session Signed Into Law & Bills Vetoed
(Updated 04/02/2024) Signed into Law
Act 11 (SB 330) - Increasing the per pupil payments in parental choice programs and the Special Needs Scholarship program and the per pupil payments made to independent charter schools and increasing the revenue ceiling for school districts.
Act 26 (AB 233) Allows a school board member to volunteer as a school bus driver.
Act 27 (SB 007) - Use of epinephrine delivery systems and standing orders for epinephrine.
Act 61 (AB 166) - Definition of “sexual contact” for purposes of crimes against children and sexual assault and providing a penalty.
Act 95 (SB 367) - Guaranteed admission to University of Wisconsin System institutions and technical colleges and requiring high schools to prepare class rankings for certain pupils.
Act 100 (SB 971) - Early literacy programs administered by the Department of Public Instruction.
Act 151 (AB 912) - financial statements of registered charitable organizations.
Act 154 (SB 313) - Increased penalties for failing to stop for a school bus.
Act 160 (SB 591) - Driver education instruction related to work zone safety.
Act 192 (SB 990) - Mandatory early literacy professional development.
Act 195 (AB 914) - the supply and use of short-acting bronchodilators on school premises or at a school-sponsored event.
Act 193 (SB 447) - Ready-to-use glucagon rescue therapies in schools.
Act 196 (AB 251) - A tier I license issued by the Department of Public Instruction and modifying administrative rules promulgated by the Department of Public Instruction.
Act 197 (SB 742) - An alternative teacher certification program for an initial license to teach.
Act 198 (SB 111) - The definition of “strip search” for the purpose of the prohibition against strip-searching a pupil.
Act 199 (SB 303) - Defining critical mapping data for school safety plans.
Act 200 (SB 333) - Sexual misconduct against a pupil by a school staff member or volunteer and providing a penalty.
Act 240 (AB1050) - position authorizations in the Office of School Safety and making an appropriation.
Act 248 (SB 833) - Funding for the Nathan and Esther Pelz Holocaust Education Resource Center and making an appropriation.
Act 262 (AB 1103) – DPI Remedial Legislation (Removes outdated references in statute)
VetoedAB 465 - Prohibiting gender transition medical intervention for individuals under 18 years of age.
AB 510 – Parental Rights
SB 335 - Allowing school boards to employ a school district administrator who is not licensed by the department of public instruction.
SB 549 - Allowing representatives of certain federally chartered youth membership organizations to provide information to pupils on public school property.
SB 608 - A license to teach based on working as a paraprofessional in a school district.
SB 688 - Local government competitive bidding thresholds and requiring school districts to utilize competitive bidding.
SB 917 - Student teaching requirement for teacher preparatory programs and granting rule-making authority.
News Articles
Wisconsin schools to ask voters to fund over $1 billion next week
Requests come as costs continue to rise and investment from the state falls behind inflation
Experts say the economy is getting better, but consumers don’t feel that way. Here’s why.
Governor Tony Evers signed AB1050!
The bill increases the number of positions for the office by 14.2 project positions starting January 1, 2025, and ending September 30, 2025.
From WSSCA (Wisconsin School Safety Coordinators Association)
School Safety & Security Self-Assessment Virtual Workshop | Tuesday, April 9
WSSCA is conducting a School Safety & Security Self-Assessment Training Workshop via Zoom.
Tuesday, April 9, from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm.
Update From NREA (National Rural Education Association) From the NREA Weekly Update
QoreInsights 2024 MicroGrant: AI-Enabled Personalized Professional Learning
QoreInsights is accepting proposals from qualified educational institutions to receive an exclusive free subscription to its acclaimed cloud-based platform – The Classroom Education Plan© (CEP). CEP blends AI with teacher and student inputs to catalyze instruction in literacy and math, and boost student engagement.
The grant is open to any elementary education (K-6) learning institution working with teachers and coaches who would benefit from a tool that elevates teacher and student voice, helps improve core instruction using evidence-based instructional strategies for every classroom, and guide data-informed PLCs.
———————————————————————————————————————New Report on Rural America From Georgetown CEW
“Rural Americans are only slightly less likely to have a good job than their urban counterparts, and for workers without a bachelor's degree, rural America actually offers a better likelihood of having a good job. That being said, white workers are currently the only demographic group in rural America in which the majority hold a good job.” — Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce Director Anthony P. Carnevale in their new report. Read more here: https://bit.ly/3SJZIxI
Update From CEF (Center for Education Funding)
No New Update
Thank You!
WiRSA 2023
Conference Sponsors