Solar for Schools Makes Cents

Breakout Session #3
Presentation Date: Monday, October 28
Presentation Time: 3:05 - 3:55 p.m.
Location: Tundra B

Slide Presentation
Handout #1
Handout #2

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Wisconsin K-12 public schools spend an estimated $175 million on energy costs annually. Studies show that by switching to solar energy, schools can cover a portion of their electrical requirements, free up much-needed money in school budgets, and significantly decrease carbon emissions. Until now, the cost to install this renewable energy technology has been prohibitive. However, recent state rebates and federal grants are changing that. In this presentation, attendees will learn the benefits of solar energy, how to calculate energy savings, and innovative ways to layer current funding opportunities.

PRESENTER: Luke Schultz, CESA 10 Facilities Management Director

Luke Schultz is the Director of CESA 10’s statewide Facilities Management Department. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Management, is a Certified Building Operator (BOC®) Level 1 and 2, a Certified Performance Contracting and Funding Professional, and has received training in Practical Energy Management and Fundamentals of Energy Auditing. He has performed hundreds of facility condition audits including investment grade audits, energy audits, and ASHRAE Level I & II audits. He has successfully passed more than $142 million in school referenda and manages $80 million in school construction projects annually.

PRESENTER: Dr. Walter Leipert, School District of Gilman Superintendent

Dr. Walter Leipart is the Superintendent for the School District of Gilman. His professional skills include organizational development, employee engagement, human capital administration, financial leadership, project management, and staff development. He previously served as Superintendent for the School Districts of Sisseton, Merrill, and Phillips.

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