Cultivating Post-Secondary Mindset in Elementary Students: Partnering with Wisconsin College Savings Program.

Breakout Session #1
Presentation Date: Monday, October 28
Presentation Time: (9:50 a.m. - 10:40 a.m.)
Location: Tundra D

Slide Presentation
Handout #1
Handout #2

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Parents and caregivers of elementary students overwhelmingly believe that some form of post-secondary education will be necessary to help their children succeed in the future. Even so, many are unsure of where to start, or how to help their children on a limited budget. The Wisconsin College Savings Program is a state agency that seeks partnerships with school districts to empower their employees and families with tools to save and plan for post-secondary education with Wisconsin 529 College Savings Plans (Edvest and Tomorrow’s Scholar), especially early in a child’s educational journey. Learn how the Wisconsin College Savings Program can help your district: connect parents & caregivers to information to help them plan and save for future post-secondary education; implement activities and lessons that encourage a post-secondary mindset in elementary students in collaboration with local partners like UW- Extension; consider partnerships with philanthropic organizations to offer universal deposits for all students in your district or early scholarships to encourage greater achievement through middle school; and offer a free workplace benefit to your employees, empowering them to save for their own family educational needs.

PRESENTER: Chelsea Wunnicke, Wisconsin College Savings Program, Department of Financial Institutions

Chelsea Wunnicke serves as a Wisconsin College Savings Program Finance Officer with the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions. With a background in delivering Financial Capabilities Outreach and Education with the University of Wisconsin Extension, Chelsea has expertise in helping families and communities envision financial inclusion, and find strategies to improve their futures. Chelsea lives with her family in rural Richland County, Wisconsin, and has a special interest in helping more Wisconsin communities and youth benefit from early saving for higher education.

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