Unlocking Student Engagement through Universal Design for Learning Implementation Trials

Breakout Session #4
Presentation Date: Monday, October 28
Presentation Time: 4:15 - 5:05 p.m.
Location: Tundra E

Slide Presentation
Handout #1
Handout #2

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Discover the impact of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) implementation trials on student engagement and academic learning. UDL Implementation trials resemble action-research inquiries based on Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles of continuous improvement to design, deliver, and assess student engagement and academic progress. During an implementation trial, a team of teachers chooses an instructional practice aligned to UDL foundations and principles that they hypothesize will make a difference in student engagement and academic learning.

Explore data from nine schools, including rural districts, that reveal marked increases in student engagement across all demographics. Learn practical strategies and gain insights into leveraging the open-source UDL Implementation Trials Toolkit for continuous improvement, developing collective efficacy, fostering inclusivity, and promoting academic growth.


JoAnn Miller serves as the Director of Continuous Improvement at the Cooperative Educational Service Agency 8. With a deep commitment to enhancing educational outcomes, Jo has been an integral member of the Wisconsin State UDL Grant team since its inception in 2014, partnering with CAST to promote Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles statewide. She holds National Board Certification as a teacher and has been recognized for her outstanding contributions to education, having been named the 2013 Wisconsin State Teacher of the Year. Drawing from over 17 years of experience in education and 5 years in private-industry quality management, Jo brings a unique blend of expertise to her role. She specializes in organizational systems and is passionate about connecting continuous improvement strategies with individual roles in shaping organizational culture. Jo's approach emphasizes the human element, recognizing the importance of coaching and collaboration in driving systemic change within educational settings.

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