An Introduction and Plan to Implement AI into Rural Schools and/or Districts
Short Informational Video

Breakout Session #3
Presentation Date: Monday, October 28
Presentation Time: 1:55 - 2:45 p.m.
Location: Tundra F

Slide Presentation
AI School/District Implementation Plan: Getting Started
Handout #2

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformed the world almost overnight, especially in education. Some educators believe the integration of AI into our schools will fundamentally deteriorate learning while offering students new ways to cheat while also distracting educators from the human side of our work. Other educators believe we must teach our students to use AI ethically and intelligently, or they’ll lose to people who can, and these new, amazing tools can actually help teachers and administrators do it better and faster, thus leaving more time for the human side. AI in ED? - if, when, how, and why - might be the most important decision educators have ever made.

This session will introduce the possibilities of AI in Education, demonstrate a variety of strategies and skills for administrators and teachers to save time, reduce stress, improve student and teacher feedback and performance, and help educators better understand the needs of current and future students.

PRESENTER: Brett Hanson - Southern Door County School District

Brett has taught ELA in rural schools for twenty-four years. He started using AI after one of his brightest students told him about a free program that wrote him computer code to simulate a simple pong game. Since then, Brett has researched, practiced, and integrated AI into his rural classes and district because if we don't teach students to ethically and intelligently use AI, they will lose to the students who have been taught this essential contemporary skill. Brett has  led PD to help brick and mortar and online schools transition AI into the classroom and office, especially for principals and office staff. To learn more about his resources and plans, please visit and click on AI in ED.