Educators Rising…and Beyond!
Breakout Session #4
Presentation Date: Monday, October 28
Presentation Time: 4:15 - 5:05
Location: Tundra B
Slide Presentation
Slide Presentation PDF
Positive teacher role models are one of the main reasons young adults choose to pursue a career in education. All of America is feeling the effects of teacher shortages today - especially rural schools. If you are passionate about working as a school professional, and want to instill the same passion in your students, but aren’t quite sure how to start, this session will present you with a step-by-step framework to implement as many pieces of this program as you would like within your own school. The Wisconsin Well Be’s is a four district consortium located in rural south central Wisconsin, dedicated to increasing student interest in, and awareness of, the myriad possibilities of fulfilling professions in education. Rural communities already have limited funding: that is why this session is aimed at small, rural districts who want to start and grow their own Educators Rising chapter, and then go even further. Take away ready- to-use resources, tips, bulletin board images, calendars, field trip suggestions, guest speaker question stems, a student teaching and peer mentor framework, and other hands-on activities that were piloted and successfully implemented in a small, rural district. We will also discuss how Institutes of Higher Education can partner with rural schools to help inspire and support students.
Participants will take away:
Framework to begin your own Future Educators Club, how to partner with Educators Rising on a state and national level
Tips for leveraging work as a consortium
Strategies to implement this in your rural school and community
PRESENTER: Jessica Daugherty - Wisconsin Well Be’s Education Consortium Coordinator
Jessica Daugherty is a 2023 Herb Kohl Teacher Fellow award recipient, and has been teaching middle and high school English in Wisconsin since 2013. She is passionate about making a difference in rural communities and inspiring students about the most important career in the world: educating young people. She believes in equitable academic practices, culturally responsive pedagogy, learning through doing and collaborating, and taking risks. Jessica is not afraid to think outside of the box to inspire and help those around her, because today’s students ARE tomorrow’s future.