Migrant Education Program - ESSA Title I-C free supplemental summer program for migratory students in Wisconsin - Statewide

Breakout Session #4
Presentation Date: Monday, October 28
Presentation Time: 4:15 - 5:05 p.m.
Location: Tundra F

Slide Presentation
Handout #1
Handout #2

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A migratory student is someone who moves because they or their family are involved in seasonal and temporary agricultural work. Students who are eligible for this program often move multiple times per year— experiencing interrupted schooling in addition to other educational barriers they may face. The shared mission of the Title I, Part C Migrant Education Program, and provisions of Title I, Part A of the Every Students Succeeds Act (ESSA), is to provide migratory students the supplemental instructional services and support they need to succeed.

This session will provide an overview of the Migrant Education Program, student eligibility, identification and recruitment, and a description of the summer program held in five regions of rural Wisconsin.

PRESENTER: Christina Lopez - Migrant Education Program Coordinator

Christina Lopez is a Chicana educator, leader, and migrant education advocate, born and raised in South Central Wisconsin to migrant workers from Texas and Colorado. She is the first in her family to earn two master's degrees, one in Bilingual Education from Edgewood College and the other in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis from UW-Madison. She has served as a bilingual educator in K-12 classrooms for 9 years in Milwaukee and Madison. She has served for two years as a High School Equivalency Program Instructor at Madison College helping migratory agricultural workers and their families complete or revalidate their high school diploma. She currently serves the Department of Public Instruction Title I School Support Team as the Migrant Education Program Coordinator for the State of Wisconsin. It is her belief that education holds the keys to the doors of liberty and justice.

PRESENTER: Samuel Minch - Migrant Education Identification & Recruitment and Data Coordinator

Samuel Minch serves as the ID&R and Data Coordinator for the MEP, focusing on supporting statewide recruitment to identify seasonal and temporary agricultural workers. With a B.S. in Dairy Science and an M.S. in Agricultural Education from UW-River Falls, Sam possesses a profound connection to agriculture. He finds great satisfaction in helping MEP staff understand agricultural trends and collaborating with the recruitment team to implement outreach initiatives across Wisconsin’s diverse agricultural landscape. In his free time, Sam enjoys outdoor activities, traveling, and socializing with friends.