Build Resilience with Youth Apprenticeship
Breakout Session #1
Presentation Date: Monday, October 28
Presentation Time: (10:50 a.m. - 11:40 a.m.)
Location: Tundra F
Wisconsin Youth Apprenticeship
Six Steps to Becoming a Youth Apprenticeship
Additional Stackable Resources
Join us for an empowering session focused on increasing your enrollment and enhancing resilience among students, especially those with disabilities, through the Wisconsin Youth Apprenticeship Program (YA). This session will explore innovative strategies and success stories where apprenticeships have become a pathway to resilience, providing valuable skills, experience, and confidence to participants, including the power of digital resumes. Through interactive discussions and real-life examples, participants will learn how the YA not only prepares students for successful careers but also cultivates their ability to navigate challenges and setbacks effectively. Whether you're an educator, employer, or community member, this session will offer insights into fostering resilience and inclusivity within apprenticeship programs, at the local, regional and state level ensuring all students can thrive in their chosen career paths while filling employment gaps in various industries.
PRESENTER: John Keckhaver, Youth Apprenticeship Section Chief, Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards, DWD
John Keckhaver grew up in Milwaukee, and is a graduate of Beloit College and the University of Wisconsin Law School. Between the two, he served in the Army’s Military Intelligence Corps. After briefly practicing law, John began his career in public policy in 2000. He has worked in the State Capitol, for a U.S. Congressman and at two of the state’s premier policy-focused nonprofits; the University of Wisconsin’s Center on Wisconsin Strategy and the Wisconsin Council on Children and Families. John then operated a lobbying and public policy consulting practice for ten years, conducting work for state and national organizations. He joined DWD in 2016 and currently serves as the Youth Apprenticeship Section Chief in the Department's Division of Employment and Training. John has served on a number of state and local boards and commissions, including the Legislative Council Special Study Committee on Building Wisconsin’s Workforce.
PRESENTER: Darla Burton, Academic and Career Plan (ACP)/Career Pathway Coordinator, CESA 3
Darla Burton is the Regional Career Pathways (RCP) and Academic and Career Plan (ACP) Coordinator for the rural CESA #3 area in Southwest Wisconsin. She holds a BS and MS in Rehabilitation Psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Burton has many years of experience in human services and education. Prior to CESA #3, she had the opportunity to work at the Department of Workforce Development (DWD) in the Bureau of Apprenticeship, Youth Apprenticeship as a Policy and Program Analyst. Her passion is assisting people of all abilities with finding a career.