Addressing Youth Vaping and Best Practice Solutions

Breakout Session #2
Presentation Date: Tuesday, October 29
Presentation Time: 10:00 - 10:50 p.m.
Location: Tundra A

Slide Presentation
Handout #1
Handout #2

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One in three Wisconsin high school students has tried vaping (2021 WI YRBS). As tobacco use evolves, schools continue to look for ways to create safe and healthy environments that address student resilience. With this in mind, they can play a significant role in promoting prevention and intervention efforts with youth in their schools and communities.

In this session, participants will gain general awareness of the latest trends in vaping, the state requirements for substance use prevention in schools and how this issue connects to student mental health and wellbeing. Additionally, participants will explore student supports that promote intervention and cessation of vaping, including SBIRT, Restorative Practices, and the usage of policies that promote alternatives to suspension. 

PRESENTER: Tracy Herlitzke, Director, Wisconsin Safe & Healthy Schools Center

In this role, she leads and supports training and technical assistance for schools, emphasizing equitable, safe, and healthy school projects and programs. Tracys work is dedicated to fostering environments that promote student well-being and resilience in schools and communities.    

PRESENTER: Lynn Verage, Regional Coordinator, Wisconsin Safe & Healthy Schools Center

Lynn serves as the WISH Center Regional Coordinator for schools in CESAs 5, 9, and 12, providing resources and professional learning opportunities in the areas of school safety and violence prevention, mental health, and suicide prevention.

PRESENTER: Larissa Zompolas, WVS Associate Director of Special Populations (CESA 9)

Larissa Zompolas is the Associate Director of Special Populations for Wisconsin Virtual School (WVS). Larissa supports districts and WVS teachers in putting accommodations and modifications in place to support students in being successful in online learning courses with WVS. Larissa has been in the education field for twelve years in a variety of positions including early childhood, Special Education, English as a Second Language, technology and administrative roles. 

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