Leveraging Digital Learning Partnerships to Ease the Teacher Shortage & Enhance CTE Offerings

Breakout Session #5
Presentation Date: Tuesday, October 29
Presentation Time: 10:00 - 10:50 a.m.
Location: Tundra B

Slide Presentation
Handout #1
Handout #2

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Join us to explore innovative strategies for addressing the teacher shortage in rural school districts. This session will delve into how personalized, locally controlled initiatives under Wisconsin Virtual School (WVS) provide tailored solutions to keep students engaged and enrolled within their communities. We will also discuss how local schools can affordably expand their Career & Technical Education (CTE) course offerings by leveraging the state-led digital learning program (WVS/CESA 9). Learn how to build regional Career Pathways, enhance Youth Apprenticeship opportunities, and expand course catalogs, all while maintaining local student enrollment.

PRESENTER: Jenny Seymour, WVS Executive Director (CESA 9)

Jenny Seymour: Before assuming the role of Executive Director of Wisconsin Virtual School (WVS), the state-led supplemental digital program based in CESA 9, Jenny Seymour had previously launched a thriving virtual charter school. Drawing on her collaboration with WVS, she leveraged this experience to shape her vision. With a background spanning district teacher, administrator, and statewide supplemental program leader roles, Jenny offers a comprehensive perspective to support schools.

PRESENTER: Michele Nickels, WVS Director of Operations (CESA 9)

Michele Nickels is the Director of Wisconsin Virtual School (WVS), a state-led supplemental online program for grades K-12 that has been operated by CESA 9 since 2000. WVS currently partners with over half of Wisconsin's school districts. With 24 years of experience in education, Michele has previously served as a Distance Learning Network Director and has extensive experience as an online and distance education teacher.

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