Empowering Students For Their Future Success through Strategic Planning - Chequamegon School District

Breakout Session #3
Presentation Date: Monday, October 28
Presentation Time: 3:05 - 3:55 p.m.
Location: Tundra D

Slide Presentation
Handout #1
Handout #2

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Community involvement in strategic planning is critical for Board Members and Administrators to fully understand the expectations of their school community.  In this session, you will hear about how a district in northern Wisconsin actively engaged a team of community leaders to plan and conduct a community conversation regarding the community’s expectations for the school district.  This team of community leaders then developed a proposal for a new District Mission, Vision, and set of Strategic Pillars based on what was heard during the community conversation event.  This team presented their proposal to the School Board, which adopted the recommendations.  This highly engaging process provides for accountability and transparency within the community.

PRESENTER: Kyle Cronan, District Administrator

Kyle Cronan, District Administrator for the Chequamegon School District since 2022, has 27 years of experience in rural public education in a variety of roles.

PRESENTER: Victor Ambrose, School Board President

Victor Ambrose, Chequamegon School Board Member since 2016 and current Board President, who is a retired United States Marine Corps pilot, served his country for 32 years and achieved the rank of Lt. Colonel.

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