High-Quality Internships to Advance Rural School Staff Pipelines
Breakout Session #1
Presentation Date: Monday, October 28, 2024
Presentation Time: 10:50 - 11:40 a.m.
Location: Tundra C
Google Folder Link with Information
School staff have the greatest efficacy in positively impacting student outcomes. With national staffing shortages, schools are struggling to maintain their greatest assets, particularly in specialized areas. As a four district consortium located in rural south central Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Well Be’s is a recipient of the Mental Health Service Professional Demonstration Grant. We recruit, hire, and train graduate school counselor students through paid internships. Learn about our project including the implementation of high-quality onboarding, training plans (recruiting methods, contracts, professional development, ongoing coaching), how interns support the work of school-based mental health plans, and tips for working with university and community partners. Take away ready-to-use insight and resources specific to rural communities, and most importantly, hope, so you can implement a similar project no matter what your size or budget.
Participants will take away:
Framework to employ student interns
Tools to onboard and provide ongoing coaching to interns
Marketing strategies, job descriptions, contracts, and MOU samples
Tips for leveraging work as a consortium
Hope to implement this in your rural school/community
PRESENTER: Brittany Cashman, MHSP Grant Manager
Brittany Cashman believes in implementing innovative solutions to complex educational problems. A previous secondary principal, Brittany now manages the federal Mental Health Service Professional Demonstration Grant on behalf of four consortium school districts (Cambria-Friesland, Pardeeville Area, Randolph, Rio Community) while also helping advance student-centered initiatives within the Randolph School District.